DJ Haul&Mason.... Did not know much about them before I heard this mix. Picked it up out of a free bin a few months ago at a local record store. Not sure why this was in a free bin because this mix is really onpoint. Anybody that can blend "hypnotize" with a big band and actually make it work? .... I am amazed. This mix goes all over the place and it works.
In the liner notes it says
"we properly rock over 100 records in just under an hour using 4 turntables, cdj's, and effects unit." And this was done in a one take live mix on a tour in Japan in '04.
Doing my best to keep it funky folks!

FourTurntableBeatdown Laink!
I got to check this out..I had something else from them before..Keep dropping that fire, POS2